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The Town-N-Gown endowment was originally established in 1986 as a scholarship endowment.  In the 90’s, the Town-N-Gown board approached President Koch and asked if he would be willing to centrally fund the scholarship so that the endowed funds could be used to support other programs/activities.  President Koch agreed, and from that point forward the scholarship was centrally funded using University funds.  At that time, a new Memorandum of Understanding was drafted (above) which indicates that the endowed funds can be used for “scholarships or activities.”
Historically, the endowed funds have been awarded for activities and programs using a grant style award process while the scholarship has remained centrally funded by the University.  The Office of Student Financial Aid awards the scholarship based on the criteria outlined in the MOU, i.e. rotating criteria between a resident of Hampton Roads, military (active or dependent), then a faculty dependent.

1999-2000 Karen Bates                           

2000-2001 Shanna Kemp                       

2001-2002 Lenard Darrow                       

2002-2003 Noel Nunnally     

2003-2004 Nicholas Smith                       

2004-2005 Melinda Guinn

2005-2006 Elizabeth Gagnon                   

2006-2007 Jane Ritchie                     

2007-2008 Brittany Rogers                     

2008-2009 Michael Fediw     

2009-2010 Shivesh Verma                       

2010-2011 K. Khosrowani

2011-2012 Lisa Ortiz                               

2012-2013 Christopher Watson         

2013-2014 Christopher Davis                 

2014-2015 Roland Hamilton 

2015-2016 Alexia Jones                         

2016-2017 Caleb A. Ralph

2016-2017 Steven Snyder                       

2017-2018 Gabriel Falvo                   

2018-2019 Jason Wingfield                     

2019-2020 Christopher Johnson

2020-2022 Christopher Johnson




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